George Maciunas
KRAB Radio Broadcast
Seattle, Washington
September 1977

William Woods of radio station KRAB interviewed George Maciunas following a Fluxus Festival held in Seattle in September, 1977. This was the last Fluxus Festival to be organized and directed by Maciunas. George Maciunas died eight months later, in May, 1978, at the age of 46.

The entire 55-minute broadcast has been divided here into 8 separate audio clips.

George Maciunas (clip 1)
8 minutes : 39 seconds

(sound effects)...Genghis Khan and counting slain enemies..."George, what is is Flux?"/(sound effects)...birthday boxes...Fluxus boxes (Ben Vautier, George Brecht/Joseph Cornell)...element of humor...1970 Geoff Hendricks reliquary...Alexandria scientific community and holy water...monasteries manufacturing relics...nails from the cross...

George Maciunas (clip 5)

...Fluxus sports and games..."George could you tell me what Flux is?"/(sound effects)...Fluxus sports (ping pong, soccer on stilts, shot put on roller skates, etc)...preparing sports like Cage prepares a piano...handicap something while running...multi-bike vehicle..."Do you like to get in trouble?"...park permit to clean 1-square yard of sidewalk with toothbrushes...

George Maciunas (clip 2)

...Fluxus cabinet with drawers...Joe Jones' music boxes...Larry Miller's ceiling fan/wall clock...Hanns Sohm and Jean Brown's Fluxus archives...musical chairs...start of Fluxus in Fall of 1961...influences (John Cage/his students, Buster Keaton, Spike Jones, Futurists, Marcel Duchamp, Dadaists)...Dada and Futurist Performances...Ben Vautier theater shock pieces...

George Maciunas (clip 6)

..."What is Fluxus?"/(sound effects)...1966 show at New York Craft Museum (orchestra playing different paper sounds; Samurai archer shooting arrows into paper curtain/"Kill paper, not people")...the element of humor...ballroom dance piece with Flux workers and sticky tape...New Years party Fluxus food events (funny food, rainbow food, atlas food)...(sound effects)...

George Maciunas (clip 3)

..."George, what is Flux?"/(sound effects)...1913 Futurist performances (20 tickets for the same seat)...pre-fluxus performances by LaMonte Young, Bob Morris, Ben Vautier...Happenings/"Concerted Action"...Japanese Gutai Group...after 1960 split into two camps (the serious/the humorous)...the Fluxus name attracted the humorous camp...1962 Wiesbaden concert (destroying the piano)...then Copenhagen, Dusseldorf, Amsterdam, Paris, Nice...lock-out in Nice led to street performance...walking across the boulevard and into the ocean wearing bowler hats...

George Maciunas (clip 7)

Berlin Fluxus labyrinth...beach ball in face, play piano to open door, walking music wheel, slippery floor, sticky floor...usually kids like our things or people not expecting art...Canal Street store that never sold Fluxus has a couple of collectors and museums...not MOMA, "they go for serious stuff"...should have a museum of gags...

George Maciunas (clip 4)

...non-art events, objects, gags..."What exactly is Flux, George?"/(sound effects)...the box for the man who has nothing...Ben Vautier chartered bus events (Nice and New York)...plans for an Italian festival (city chickened out) events that fit the city...plans for Seattle bus event (8 people going back and forth with large packages)...

George Maciunas (clip 8)

Flux Fest in Seattle...funny science show...habit of collecting pebbles when traveling (custom officials couldn't believe)...anthology of animal droppings...nobody has whale shit...future plans (Berkshire farms, July 4th Festival and parade next summer), ah, it's ah, usually, we ah, um, then we, ah...(toilet flushing)

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This page launched on April 19, 1999, on the third anniversary of FLUXLIST.
Revised February 3, 2004.
Revised again, December 6, 2008