Subscribing to FLUXLIST

The Fluxus Email Discussion Group

You can subscribe to FLUXLIST by sending the following command in the body of an email:

subscribe FLUXLIST


Note: It doesn't matter what you type in the "Subject:" line of your email message.

After you have successfully subscribed, you will begin receiving each new message as it is posted to the FLUXLIST discussion group. You will also receive instructions about how you can post messages to FLUXLIST.

FLUXLIST-DIGEST: An Alternative Way to Subscribe

If you would prefer to receive your FLUXLIST messages in batches, then please subscribe to FLUXLIST-DIGEST.  You can do so, by sending the following command in the body of an email:



Note: It doesn't matter what you type in the "Subject:" line of your email message.

After you have successfully subscribed to FLUXLIST-DIGEST, you will begin receiving a new digest approximately every 6 to 10 emails. You will also receive instructions about how you can post messages to FLUXLIST.

If you need assistance in subscribing, please contact

Before deciding to subscribe to FLUXLIST you may want to sample previous messages and discussions at:

the Fluxus Mail Archive

This page last updated 21 June 1998