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Selected Internet Links for

Mail Art

There's a lot of stuff on the internet on Mail Art.
Here are a few links to get you going.

Ruud Janssen's Mail Interview Project--text of interviews with Dick Higgins, Ray Johnson, Ken Friedman, Mark Bloch, John Held, Jr., Chuck Welsh...and many others.

Mark Bloch's A Brief History of Postal Art.

Ken Friedman's "The Early Days of Mail Art: An Historical Overview"

Ruud Janssen's Traveling Art Mail * International Union of Mail Artists

Chuck Welch's Electronic Museum of Mail Art--including the Emailart Directory and extensive mail art links.

James Felter's Artistamp Gallery Catalogue.

Anna Banana's Queendom of Bananaland.

Mark Bloch's One World Postal Art Show.

Dragonfly Dream's List of Mail Art Web Sites.

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