From: "Fluxlistowners" 
Subject: FLUXLIST: New Beginnings
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 09:37:21 +0100

>Renewing Fluxlist<

Nearly four years ago, Allen Bukoff, Joe De Marco, Ken Friedman, Dick
Higgins, and Jon Van Oast began working on what was to become Fluxlist. The
list was launched in April of 1996. Malgosia Askanas joined as a sixth
listowner since the launch.

Fluxlist is now in the process of being relaunched with an enlarged
listowner group.

We hope for a renewed list that is large, wide and deep in its membership.
We seek a variety of personalities, background, and work among those who
join, and a variety of ideas and issues to discuss.

>The Purpose of Fluxlist<

The purpose of Fluxlist is to examine and consider the range of concerns
that typify Fluxus and intermedia.

This might include such topics as:

Art history
Art practice
Art theory
Artist books in theory and practice
Artist housing
Artist periodicals
Artist stamps
Book culture
Book reviews
Concept art
Concrete poetry
Correspondence art
Current work by historical Fluxus artists
Current work by new Fluxus artists
Digital media
Fluxus history
Historical work by historical Fluxus artists
Historical work by artists related to Fluxus
Historical work by intermedia artists
Information society issues
Internet culture
John Cage
Mail art
Mail art projects and events
Minimalist art
Music composition
New music
New work by contemporary artists in the Fluxus tradition
News of relevant listserv discussions on other lists
Performance art
Radicalism in art
Research notes
Research reports
Research requests
Shared projects for list members
URL pointers with descriptions of interesting web sites
Web site reviews

We are interested in the rich web of circumstances and ideas that Fluxus
represents as well as in the historical Fluxus. The past four decades of
Fluxus activity gave pointers and signals. Members are welcome to develop
Fluxlist topics as they deem appropriate.

We hope that Fluxlist will become a premier forum for conversation and
interaction on these topics. We want to create a rich locus for the exchange
of information on the theory and practice of what Dick Higgins termed “the
arts of the new mentality” and the intermedia art forms.

Fluxlist offers a forum for considering the early history of media and
intermedia ideas that have now taken on a rich identity of their own. It is
also a forum for considering the rich ecological framework within which
these distinct media and intermedia still intersect. Fluxlist operates
within the concept of the Fluxus laboratory. It is open to the history of
ideas and the archaeology of developments that are not always evident in
single-discipline discussions or the framework of single media.

All kinds of discussion and participation are welcome.

>Invitation with suggestions<

We actively invite notes, comments, and contributions on any of the subjects
or topics listed. Essays, letters, or lengthy reports of topical subjects
are welcome, along with conversation and discussion on prior posts.

Along with the obvious invitation to historians and theorists of the past,
we encourage active artists to present, discuss, and theorize their work.

>Conditions of participation<

We welcome any form of participation that takes place within the broad scope
of our purpose and intent.

Several kinds of behavior will result in expulsion from Fluxlist. Abuse,
harassment, impersonation, violation of confidentiality, reposting of
private posts without permission and spamming are unacceptable. We will not
serve as a forum for racist, sexist, malicious or mendacious behavior.

We welcome advertisements for products or projects created by list members.
We ask subscribers to use good sense and courtesy in doing this.

We hope to build Fluxlist as a congenial place for everyone. We hope that
the renewed Fluxlist will attract the active participation of existing
members as well as attracting new participants.


The listowners are:

Malgosia Askanas,
Allen Bukoff,
Joe De Marco,
George Free,
Ken Friedman,
Judith Hoffberg,
Ann Klefstad,
Sol Nte,
Jon Van Oast,
Saul Ostrow,
Owen Smith.