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Allan Kaprow

Faculty Profile for Allan Kaprow
Emeritus Professor, Visual Arts, University of California, San Diego

"In the later 1950s a group of artists came together on the Douglass campus at Rutgers and sparked a revolution in art that reverberates even today. The "Rutgers Group" included such artists as Roy Lichtenstein, Allan Kaprow, George Segal, Geoffrey Hendricks, Robert Watts, Lucas Samaras, and Robert Whitman. From 1957 through '63 they were the standard bearers for the avant-garde, associated with trends that would join the lexicon of art---Happenings, Pop Art, and Fluxus. "

Lecturer Bio
Carnegie Mellon University

Essays on the Blurring of Art and Life
A review by George J. Leonard of a book by Allan Kaprow edited by Jeff Kelley.

Allan Kaprow Workshop : "Performing Life"   by Linda Cassens
LOG RECIPE for a workshop directed by Allan Kaprow and sponsored/organized by the Kunsthalle im Kulturhaus Palazzo/Baselland in Liestal, Switzerland, June 15 & 15, 1996

Recent Exhibitions: The Hansa Gallery (1952-59) Revisited
Tuesday, September 16, 1997 - Saturday, November 8, 1997
Zabriskie Gallery, 41 East 57th Street, New York, New York 10019

Know of any Allan Kaprow or Happenings web sites we can list here?
Please let us know at

This page last updated 17 April, 1999

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